I have been a fan of Matt Bors for a while. His cartoons are funny and pointed; he is
clever on twitter. I bought this book because I believe in supporting artists
who I like, and I have to give this book my unqualified praise. I am now a bigger fan of Bors having read
this book than I was before.
This book is a collection of comics and essays covering
contemporary events from a left / civil libertarian viewpoint. What impressed me was how clean and articulate
he is on the page given more room to let out his mind than a tweet or a
comic. It was kind of like he was living
in my head, and saw a lot of how I feel about politics an life and wrote it
better than I could have. And he can
draw. I think I have a bit of a guy
crush on him (Is that even a thing?).
Anyways, buy this book.
Do it for Matt. He needs money.