I had only just discovered Wood when she died, and had some passionate
sharing about her writings with a friend
and it was like discovering a band no one had hear of. But now she died and it’s like becoming a
Sublime fan in 1996 – too late to go to one of those conferences where’s she’s
talking and listen to her talk and then ask her a twenty-minute question that
is 90% the thing you think and then realize that you have to tie it in to the
thing she was there talking about at the very end to your great embarrassment.
So there’s a lot to like here. The best thing is that she
sets capitalism aside. The classical Marxist view is to think of capitalism as
some sort of evolution. This makes it an inevitability and then communism is
its own sort of proclaimed inevitability. What she does is instead look at the
start of capitalism as a historical accident, one that started in one place and
then spread.
This isolates the system, into one that has a definite start.
What makes a definite start good is that it creates an idea of an ending. It isn’t
inevitable. It is just a thing that happened that could be overcome. But the
problem is that once settled in one country, it spread with its own “imperative”
in each new country as Wood described (195). This puts me to mind of Vonnegut’s
description of Ice-9, one where once it started; every water molecule knew how
to form the new crystal. The problem is melting all the crystals so that the water
(read: economic system) forgets what structure it once took so that it can take
on less destructive to the human race. This book doesn’t take us all the way,
but it shows the monster can be slain.