Monday, August 6, 2018

Being Told to Embrace Centrist Democrats

You and I just won't agree on this. Obama came into office with momentum and a good majority. They had to govern in a way that earned votes in the midterm. I was on the front lines of this because...

I was unemployed from December 2008 to July 2011. I watched as policy favored the banks who helped blow up the whole thing - remember how they argued in 2009 about how they still had to pay out bonuses, and there was no clawback? How with that majority there were the bailouts, but HAMP, for homeowners had a lot of red tape and no cramdown options? How fraud from Goldman and ABACUS to Joe Cassano and AIG FP didn't get prosecuted but invited into the administration? The SEC did fine a lot of banks, but where was justice and why was no one held accountable? Bunch of chickenshits. How after passing ARRA in January of 2009, there was a in incredibly premature turn to austerity as unemployment was still over 8% and there were 6 job seekers for each opening. How unemployment was first extended but then extensions stopped even though millions were still looking for anything, something. I interviewed for a data entry job; another a PI job, and I didn't get it. And then what do you do with all that political capital? You pass the Heritage Foundation's 1994 health plan and call it progressive even though it still enshrines biases against women's health because you're bending over backwards to get just one GOP vote so you can call it bipartisan (an you keep doin it, Obama, to the point where you're ready to give away on social security to burnish your legacy when the GOP stopped bargaining in good faith early in 2009). Remember the "fiscal cliff"? And that doesn't even get at never coming to terms with the previous administration's illegal wars and the folks we tortured and keeping people locked up in Cuba without any due process rights....

And that's what we get to vote for, to be let down time and again, like how right to work spread.....

It's tiring in a different way than Trump is tiring.
And that's what we get to vote for, to be let down time and again, like how right to work spread.....
It's tiring in a different way than Trump is tiring.

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